Locksmith NYC » Auto Locksmith NYC
Eddie and Sons Locksmith Auto Locksmith NYC
Don’t open the front door without confirming who is outside. It’s not safe to rely on verbal communication. You must be able to see the outside view before opening the door. A camera could be a good option. However, thieves could cut the camera wire before trying to break-in. Peephole installation is the best security measure. It will allow you to have broad view of outside without opening the door. Peepholes come in various designs and models. Eddie and Sons Locksmith Auto Locksmith NYC provides the peepholes as well as installs them as per customer requests.
Our Technicians Remove Broken Keys Swiftly
There are certain jobs which require only couple of minutes to be completed successfully. Remove broken keys service is one of them. It could take only 2 minutes to remove the key from a regular handle door lock. However, don’t try to do it yourself as right tools are needed to perform the job. On the other hand, removing the key could take up to an hour but it happens very rarely. Eddie and Sons Automotive Locksmith NYC trains the staff which helps in swift job performance. Do inform us about the particular lock when you contact us. It will help us in being prepared for the task.